Materialism: A Materials Science Podcast
An exploration of the past, present, and future of materials science and engineering.
4 months ago

Episode 96: Spark Ablation with VSParticle

At temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun (>20,000K), a revolutionary physics-based process is creating the future of nanomaterials - no chemicals required. We talk to Aaike van Vugt co-founder of VSParticle and an expert in the field of spark ablation. He walks us through the process of coating materials in nanoparticles as well as its various uses. We explore what materials are suitable for the method and their pivot into nanoporous films.

The Materialism Podcast is sponsored by American Elements, a leading manufacturer and supplier of materials. You can learn more about their work and services by visiting their website.

This episode was sponsored by VSParticle. Be sure to check out their website to see how you can leverage their technology. More info about them can be found here.

This Materialism Podcast is sponsored by Materials Today, an Elsevier community dedicated to the creation and sharing of materials science knowledge and experience through their peer-reviewed journals, academic conferences, educational webinars, and more

Thanks to Kolobyte and Alphabot for letting us use their music in the show!

If you have questions or feedback please send us emails at [email protected] or connect with us on social media: Instagram, Twitter.

Keywords: Nanofilms Nanomaterials